The voucher is valid for a period of one year from the date of purchase. After expiry, it will be cancelled.
The voucher is transferable and is not restricted to the purchaser.
 It can be used in the NEYA hotels, NEYA Lisboa Hotel and NEYA Porto Hotel, in the Viva Lisboa and Viva Porto restaurants and in the NEYA Day Spa Lisbon and Porto.
Use your Voucher for online booking of accommodation in NEYA hotels; option of deducting its value from the total amount of the stay; enter your Voucher number in the payment area.
It is not possible to accumulate Vouchers. If the face value of the voucher exceeds the amount of the selected service, there will be no refund or credit of the remaining amount.
The use of the voucher is subject to prior reservation and availability of the desired service;
Accommodation, restaurant, or Spa reservations should be made by email to the Bookings Department at [email protected] or by telephone to +351218413051
Mandatory presentation of the physical voucher at check-in, restaurant, or spa.
NEYA Hotels is not responsible for the eventual misuse of the voucher, so in case of loss or misplacement the value will be considered lost.